- Internet Archive to Preserve Games(http://www.costik.com/weblog/2004_08_01_blogchive.html#1091888624182030)
Of course, unlike say, The Underdogs, the Internet Archive is an incorporated non-profit, and can't do anything that even arguably violates copyright. Consequently, though they'll be archiving the code, they won't be making it available for download--except in cases where they have specific waivers from the rights owners.
ゲームを保存する取り組みは、現状、The Underdogs(http://www.the-underdogs.org/)のような草の根の保存サイトがあるだけで、権利関係までを完全にクリアした代表ポータルのようなものは存在しない。
- Console games, copyright, and obsolete hardware.(http://www.kuro5hin.org/?op=displaystory;sid=2002/9/15/192538/817)
However, emulation alone doesn't let you play games; you also need copies of the games. With CD-based games, it's fairly easy to simply play existing copies in a computer's CD-ROM drive. With cartridge-based games, however, special hardware must be used to extract the bytes. Worse, the same legislation that (probably legitimately) bans the creation of "backups" of games (used mostly for piracy, frankly) probably also bans these.
- 日本をゲームアーカイブ活動先進国とするために(http://plusd.itmedia.co.jp/games/articles/0508/29/news083.html)